About Us

About Us

The best ideas in society are developed from things people want, which is why Request a Guest was born!

Request a Guest started life as a bolt-on service to a small graphic design company that opened in 2007 ran by myself, Mark. In 2012, after recently getting married and struggling to find suppliers to deliver my vision, with the help of my wife and a few great contacts along the way we catered and hosted our wedding. The focus was on having an amazing celebration and seeing our new chapter in with a bang. Want to know more - check out our blog article (A New Year to Remember).
Other than the day itself, what was most notable was the array of comments from people about how well executed our celebration with the level of detail thought - such as our ‘First Footing’ gift bags, the printed aisle runner, our personalised pizza boxes and branded glasses. Our wedding would have a party atmosphere by getting married on New Year's Eve and celebrating on the Gateshead Quayside in Newcastle against the backdrop of a spectacular fireworks display. The wedding prompted a few of our guests to enquire about how I could help them with their wedding. From here, the idea grew and more people requested help with creativity, personalisation and imagination, so, in December 2015 Request a Guest opened its doors.

Our ‘Why’: At Request a Guest, we believe couples deserve unique stationery and decor for their wedding or special occasion. Your wedding, birthday or anniversary are milestone events worth celebrating - you deserve something creative and personal to set the tone of your day or evening!

Our goal: In an era of choice and innovation, we look to inspire audiences with new ideas in both digital and printed material by providing unique, personalised, and creative stationery, décor and accessories for your parties, weddings and special occasions.

It’s a family thing – Who?

I love new ideas and creativity but not just as a gimmick. Completing my master’s degree in design and spending two years in a small print company provided me with the foundation to understand how to successfully use my design knowledge complemented by a strong understanding of print.  This allowed me to go on and help many
customers (many who are now lifelong friends) realise their ideas.

When she is not teaching, or with our two boys, she helps part-time in the shop. Her English specialism and experience in senior leadership has proved a great help to our customers as she can support them with the written
information they share. Being a primary teacher, she loves reading, stationery
and a visit to the local craft shop, which comes in useful to assist with advice, ideas and styles of invitation.

The Boys
Often found working the till or tidying up with Henry Hoover, our 7-and 9-year-old are always happy to help! They love that Daddy has such a lovely shop and are very proud.

We can accommodate most requirements so do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a FREE no obligation design consultation with a member of the team. Let us tell your story!

Contact us for your own bespoke
wedding package